Compost tea applications done by Eat My Shrubs are made from our own special formula. Consisting primarily of vermicompost (worm casting made in house, literally), kelp, & molasses. It’s brewed in small batches for 24-36 hours, in un-chlorinated water.
The result is a full spectrum soil amendment, that will boost your soil health, and therefore your plants health. Boosting their resistance to drought, bad pests, and other environmental hazards. Store bought chemical fertilizers tend to be concerned with only a few macronutrients. Disregarding all the other components that go into creating healthy plants. Compost, and in this case compost tea, carries a little bit of everything in it. Including the microorganisms the plants need to form symbiotic relationships with. These relationships are what plants need in order to use some of the nutrients in the ground. Check out the other composting pages to learn more about the importance of healthy soil, and the benefits of compost.
Choose your application rate*
1 Time Service

Garden Beds Only –
Starting at $50.00
Entire Property –
Starting at $75.00 for small urban property
$100.00 for average urban property
$150.00 for large urban property
2 Compost Tea Applications per Season (Spring & Fall)

Garden Beds Only –
Starting at $75.00
Entire Property –
Starting at $125.00 for small urban property
$160.00 for average urban property
$275.00 for large urban property
3 Compost Tea Applications per Season (Spring, Summer, & Fall)

Garden Bed Only –
Starting at $125.00
Entire Property –
Starting at $225.00 for small urban property
$260.00 for average urban property
$390.00 for large urban property

*prices shown are based on the average urban property. Contact me if you are in southern Alberta and we can discuss your individual property needs and come up with a plan we can both agree on.
The soil food web is what it is all about. You have heard of the food chain and all of the healthy eating charts. The soil food web is what keeps everything on this planet going. Click the picture and follow the link to learn more about Dr. Elaine!