Organic lawn boost with compost – A key aspect to organic/ecological land care, is replacing nutrients in the soil without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The best way to accomplish this is with compost. Over time the lawn needs some external nutrients added. Even if we mulch the grass as we mow, eventually, the lawn could use a boost. It is also a good idea to over-seed the lawn with new grasses from time to time. During a compost top-dress is the best time to add new grass seed to the lawn.

The first step is to aerate the worst of the areas. This allows for quicker penetration of the compost into the soil.
The compost is after the aeration. Raked into the lawn and given good watering. The lawn is then left, un-mowed, for a couple of weeks. Depending on the weather, supplemental watering may be required. To fill in any gaps from rainfall. The longer the grass, the longer the lawn can withstand a dry period.
A Lawn Boost With Compost – A Few Weeks Later

The Not So Secret, Secret Weapon
Compost Tea – For watering after the compost application, why not up the game by watering with aerated compost tea. Check out the Compost Tea pages on the website to learn more.

A Garden Installation First – Then A Lawn Boost

Sometimes you have to accept that grass just will not grow in a certain area of the lawn. That is the case here. The neighbours cut out some limbs from their Spruce tree. Leaving a large area of bare, degraded ground. It is a very sunny location, ideal for something more interesting than grass. A perennial garden installed. Then the grass was improved.

The garden bed installation completed. The lawn aerated and top-dressed with compost. Organic Lawn Boost with Compost

A Lawn Boost With Compost – A Few Weeks Later