Organic urban land care is more than not using chemicals on your lawn. It doesn’t mean you have to suddenly start loving dandelions, either. Organic land care is about working with nature and the natural systems to create a healthy, balanced, landscape. Meaning, to find out why the dandelions are there in the first place. Grasses and dandelions prefer different things to grow. So why is there dandelions in the grass? Why here and not there? Dandelion after dandelion is pulled and chemicals are sprayed, and still dandelions!
As a member of the Canadian Society for Organic Urban Land Care (SOUL). Eat MY Shrubs strives to meet and exceed the standards set out by the society. So in turn, some of the information below comes straight from them.
The Organic Land Care Standard below, is a document created to support the successful move toward sustainable land care practices. Click on the links below to have a look at all the wonderful things this society is doing. Not just about land care, but land equity, and social & societal issues surrounding our urban landscapes.
SOUL Standard
SOUL e-publications
The Organic Urban Land Care Standard aims to:
Provide a clear definition of the practices, and materials used in organic land care. It provides guidance to organic land care practitioners in their decision making. It also aims to raise the awareness of the ecological needs of landscapes. And finally, it provides credibility for organic land care professionals, and strives to protect the public from misleading practices and claims.

As an Accredited Organic Urban Land Care Practitioner: (it’s like our creed)
I work with natural systems to encourage and enhance biological diversity and native habitats. Optimizing and maintaining the life supporting properties of soil, air and water. I also consider the wider social and ecological impacts of the landscapes. The practices and products used to create and maintain those landscapes. And, as much as possible, use renewable, biodegradable and recycled materials from local sources to minimize waste.