Spring is in the air!!
Thinking of spring? The days are getting longer. The sun feels warmer on the skin and face. Well, spring…is only…..50 days away?..
That can seem like forever with snow in the forecast. So what is a gardener to do?

Wrong!!….well…..dream, sure. But, February marks the start of the gardening classes and trade show season. As the days count down until the first of spring, and the even later beginning to the gardening season, many courses are available to expand your gardening knowledge. Check your local garden centres and Horticultural societies.
For the snowy nights, or times you can’t make it out to a course. Check out www.eatmyshrubs.com.
Ideas for your garden with organic/regenerative practices. Chemical free pest controls using essential oils and other, more friendly, compounds. Self-watering garden beds, and so much more!! There are also ideas for a more sustainable home.
We are even building an online store!!
So if your thinking about spring, check it out!
It will keep your hands busy while you wait for the ground to be warm enough to start planting!

Not only are they beautiful. You can Eat MY Shrubs!
Check the Society of Organic Urban Land Use for even more great information!